How to Download Music to PSP The Easy Way

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How to Download Music to PSP The Easy Way

Have you been going crazy trying to work out how to download music to PSP apparatus? Worry not, as I'll describe in clear and easy instructions how simple this is to do. Never before has there been such a versatile device that allows you to play games, listen to music, watch photographs and much, much more. Unfortunately, for all its versatility, it can be difficult to do all of the above and get the most from it -- difficult that is, unless you know how. The PSP is perfect for listening to music. Rather than having a separate device for listening to audio, as well as a PDA and console, you finally have one device that combines all three. With nothing more than a modicum of ability, I'll explain to you how you can download music to PSP format. First of all, you will need to convert your CD into mp3 format. You can accomplish this using some "ripper" programs in the marketplace. These can read your CD and a couple of minutes later you will have audio files in mp3 format, ready for moving to your PSP. These may be cumbersome to use, however, and it's better if your audio is currently in mp3 format. It is possible to get mp3s from music sites. However, sites like iTunes will just download in their native format and not in PSP mp3 format. There are a few converters available but, again, these are difficult to use. Now that you have your mp3 files prepared for moving, you need to first connect your PSP to your PC with a USB cable. Only then is it shown how to download music to PSP. Next, your PSP device will appear on your PC as an extra drive. Double click on this drive and create a folder named PSP. Click on this new folder and create a folder called music. Now, copy the mp3 files that you already created for the new folder called music. Hey, presto! You finally have music ready to play on your PSP. However, the process as mentioned above, while relatively simple, still requires much work to get audio in a format ready to listen to on the PSP.

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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